For those who haven't gotten tired of watching Larry Clown flailing, nothing in his last post explains why Mr.Perfect previously quoted Thomas as saying that fast powders produced less recoil, and then two paragraphs later, Mr. Perfect Larry Clown stated the opposite. And then Mr. Perfect went on to produce an incorrect multiplier for Hatcher's recoil formula for shotguns.

And to think that Mr. Perfect is taking Miller to task for being inconsistent. What a joke.

I think that Moon Rock that Larry held in his hand was actually a dried up big green loogie that Jake IX crapped out after Larry's older brother King hawkered it down his throat for the sin of being frightened.

It's a long story.., but it's more plausible than the B.S. Larry Clown is shoveling our way here.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.