Glad that worked out for you, coosa. Thanks for reporting on the results. You're a man after my own heart when it comes to doing whatever is necessary to get a gun to shoot where it is supposed to. I've used add-on ribs, that were not tapered like yours, just to give me more drop. I recently restocked my 28/.410 Verona to get more drop on it, shot it last weekend in the sub gauge events at the NWTF Turkey Shoot sporting clays tournament, and bested the field of 44 entrants in the SuperVet 28 ga. concurrent class with a 44/50.

Watching a pattern move on the plate to where you want it, by modifying the gun, is very satisfying to me. shoot that sucker until it is an extension of your arms.

Best, SRH

May God bless America and those who defend her.