
Your opinion of Walt differs from mine and I knew him for many many years. As Walt grew older he did make mistakes, and I tried to advise him of such. His memory was failing toward the end most definitely. We will see how you and I both do toward our end also. Yes Walt did influence me and his opinions were never worthless you are dead wrong about that, as to not joining the club, John and I had a long conversation about it, I however make my own decisions, and from the personal attacks form people in your club here, Walt Schiessls advise was dead on and I made the correct decision. As for deserving the handle I use, I will continue to use it, in Walt honor, he was my friend. Those speaking derogatory about him are wrong. I did not take your explanation as derogatory, you had contact with him as a very old gentlemen, I hope to live to be as old, if I make the same kind of mistakes God be kind to me. I do take your unkind words about John a different way however, we had some conversations about people thinking he was entertaining, you say he was our friend, now I understand his meaning. John was an A typical male Lawyer, we got along well, I never knew him as well as I knew Walt however.

Sorry your club is not the historical record keeper for L.C. Smith/Hunter Arms no matter how much you would like it to be. Bill Brophy made that decision long ago.

L.C. Smith Man

Last edited by Ryman Gun Dog; 08/14/18 05:14 PM.