Beans has been a straight up online goof for 20+ years now. I remember years ago on the ssmbbs when he was trying to educate everyone about how the new Italian made LC Smith was an absolute engineering marvel Haha. Listen Beans, the verdict has been out for YEARS....sweet Elsies just arent the engineering marvel you wish they were. I personally know a couple of world renown gunmakers, they wont let an Elsie in the shop. I will say something about Freddie Bruner though.....he is/was a fantastic gunsmith, good on him for taking care of Elsies for so many years. He did a good job with them and he kept a lot of them running right. He repaired my Elsies like a true pro. Ill say the same for Walt Schissel, he was a fun guy to talk with and learn from. They were Elsie guys and were also infinitely more enjoyable to talk guns with than you have ever been. Lets talk about dog training now. Just kidding.