Anyone who thinks an L C Smith is "Engineered" better than a Lefever obviously has not much engineering experience.
Superior points of the Lefever are too numerous to mention. I will mention that I have one totally trash H grade Lefever "Parts Gun" that was obviously rode hard & put away wet as they say & saw much abuse. Amazingly you can totally remove it ball hinge pin & the barrels still snug up tightly to the breech from only the Lefever patented square shouldered Doll's Head. A properly fitted Brown's rotary bolt would of course do the same thing, but no better & not one in a thousand of the rotaries are properly fitted. Most of them only bear in keeping the gun closed which the simple wedge of a Baker or Stevens will do quite nicely & they don't blow open.

All that said "IF" I had an L C Smith which needed work & my Gunsmith refused to work on it Just Because it was a Smith, I'd find a different Smith.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra