Insecticides, herbicides, fertilizers, large scale, largely hedge rowless farming is here to stay. If we had the 1960 average corn yield of 60-80 buschel to the acre or 35 buschel wheat to the acre we would have $20 corn and $30 wheat. Your $200 a week food bill would zoom to $800-1,000 a week. Organic sounds great, just like green energy, or free love but we cant afford it without a drastically altered lifestyle. And I note people are much in favor of altering other people lifestyle, not their own.

As to poisoning wildlife I am completely against it but I suspect most cases are accidental in this country. Exceptions can occur and should be dealt with. But just as windmills kill flying birds, by accident, I dont expect those wanting to use them to make electricity to stop killing birds or build a 300 in diameter bird cage around the wind mill. . And the solar mirror works, in California vaporized birds caught in their beam when making electricity.