Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Sadly most farmers have let the chemical companies get them by them by the balls...

High yields along with the ease of farming...compared to years past. A few farmers have woken up but not too many...truth is the only people making a profit off farming are the chemical and genetically altered seed companies.

Wrong. Corporations have everyone by the balls. The goal is to grow eat up competition paying out least in doing so while maximizing profits. That is why legal emigrants to our shores now come from what our Leader said "shit-hole"? counties. Those people will work hard for same or less than workers born here. Corporate executives, bankers, investors and politicians don't care because their kids don't have to compete with kids of newcomers nor do they have to compete for jobs with the parents. Norwegians aren't going to leave wealthy prosperous country where they work to live to come into a system where people live to work. This is not hard to understand.

It looks as if your talk about leaving this horrible Capitalist Nation is as bogus as your bullshit stories about guns you claimed to own, but merely had on Layaway. When you talk about shopping at Whole Foods, I'd guess it's actually dumpster diving considering the pathetic inability to complete the purchase of some relatively inexpensive guns you've had to put on 24 hour hold or Layaway.

When you emigrated here, did you misunderstand the inscription on the Statue of Liberty to read "Give me your tired, your poor, and your lazy lying bitchers, whiners, and envious complainers..."?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.