
I took that advice some 20 years back & have not regretted it. I've spent time w/ a Shaman in the Amazon, been down the West side of Africa & driven across the Belgian Congo plus have dropped in most countries from the Texas border all the way down to Argentina. Not ONE regret. All jaunts were adventures of a lifetime, with this one providing me w/ the tools to embrace the 1/2 century mark, i.e. Stan, I too hold w/ Romans.....

Thanks to all the well wishers but I told my Primary Doc today that you know when the Apothecary / Chemist phones to wish you a happy birthday that you indeed on their list and they are courting you for additional business all centred around age.....?

Too I'll have to say that the internet and boards like this, even though there's a lot of to & fro from time to time, but I've yet to agree to meet someone that I've met on this board & similar and be even slightly disappointed by the effort. I have many more appointments to make but this one sort of set the tone. The internet & GPS allow one to travel unabated where one arrives in country, rents an auto w/ the GPS function, have the renter to correctly programme in the address and in short order one pulls up in the driveway. Pretty amazing to me even though it is said that I am one of the foremost GNSS/GPS authorities?

