If pesticides would've been called "plant prtectants" we'd all be better off right now. When insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, nematicides, etc. are applied within labeled regulations, risks to other species are extremely low.

I'm a golf course superintendent by trade, and can say with certainty that those who rely on the land for a living tend to be the best stewards of it. Stan's post above illustrates this point. We are living in a much different time then we were even 10-20 years ago. Licensed applicators are more educated and reponsible than ever before. The average homeowner, not so much...

I read labels religiously, and would never knowingly apply a product that would have a negative impact on anything other than the target pest. There are too many chemistries available today to take this risk.

There is too much misinformation about pesticides from people who know nothing about how they are applied. Many of these evil products are purchased over the counter every day in common household products without a second thought.