Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
....If you get your "news" and opinions from Fox and Rush, you're being led by people whose only motive is the growth of their own power. Try breathing some air outside your bubble.

I look in your bubble Bill, do you recognize that it's a bubble?

Let's start with old reruns. You remember barry on msnbc, among others in you bubble, leaning over to the russian pres on an open mic, saying tell putin he'll be more flexible after the elections. What did barak do, oversee and try to conceal the entire russian election soap opera? Do you like donlemon over at cnn, you remember, the 'news anchor' that said we weigh how much we criticize husein because he's black? What do you figure, were you getting 'news' or opinions that you felt like hearing?

So you're a reader? We just find out last month that the previous nytimes chief editor during the barry years kept a small plastic obama comfort doll with her at all times. Did you feel comfortable with barry or did others tell you what you were supposed to feel? You remember, like 'news experts' telling you how to votes based on getting their kind of tingle up your leg?

Stand back just a bit, you'll see your bubbles are toxic ooze. Typical huh Bill, you get to roll around in and enjoy it, while you lecture others about bad talking points that you don't know why you parrot.