Originally Posted By: Stan
John periodically brings this up. It has been his m.o. for years. For someone in the retail business, you sure have a lot of complaints about your potential customers, John.

Are you only interested in making conversation with people who spend money in your business? I was raised in a retail business. My Dad supported our family by operating a very large country store, a general merchandise type of business. I worked in there as a kid, and a teenager, and my Dad drilled into me that the customer is always right. I did not agree with him at the time, but understand now what he meant. He truly enjoyed making small talk with those who came in, even if they only bought a Coke and a pack of peanuts. He never treated tire-kickers any differently than the best customers he had. And, he would have never gone on the internet to XXXXX about them.

You have done no less than convince me I would likely not enjoy browsing in your shop. I might aggravate you if I didn't spend a wad.


In our culture the concept "the customer is always right" does not exist especially in regulated business activities which with paperwork gun selling business is. Whoever coined that stupid phrase probably sold cheap "pots and pans,...." Sure, if one sells inexpensive trinkets and such.....We believe the customer is always a customer and must be treated with respect, dignity and kindness. We expect the customer to return the same.