I'm convinced that if I priced dollar bills for 80 cents, a lot of guys would walk away if I wouldn't come down to 60 cents. Some guys are simply incapable of paying sticker price. They may not have a clue whether the price is fair or not. They don't care. All that matters to them is that they get the seller to budge. Many of them would gladly buy dollar bills for $1.10 if they first talked the seller down from $1.40 (which is essentially what happens in so many pawnshops/gunshops/gun shows where the seller marks up his price to accommodate negotiations).

I may be a sucker but if a guy has something for sale that I want and his price is fair, I'll generally pay his price even if I suspect I might be able to get it a bit cheaper. I know what it takes to try to make a living operating a business and I want to see people succeed. This is more true the closer I am to the seller and the more I like him. "Good friends" pay retail, I say. I've never understood the thinking that says "you're my friend so you should give me a break". I translate that to "You're my friend so I should get to take food off your table." In the great scheme of things I can probably afford whatever discount I would receive at least as much as the seller can afford to give the discount. Now, if his price is actually too high, that's a different story.

Last edited by bladeswitcher; 11/19/17 06:35 PM.