For some strange reason, I thought you wreaked your bicycle...

I had my motorcycling days, enjoyed it all, rode a 1995 GSXR 750 to both coasts, and an 1991 FJ1200 numerous times to California to participate in Keith Code's classes, but, when I became a father, the bikes went.

If I tried to ride a 'Gixer anywhere out of state today, I'd need a chiropractor to get me off of it when I came to a stop. You can rip massive wheelies at 90mph on a 'Gixer and approach 200mph. I never rode without full leathers, helmet, boots and gloves.
I miss it. But I keep the Olds around for ice cream runs with the boy. We have a blast.

Hope the 210 keeps you out of motorcycle mischief. ERs, life support, intensive care, transfusions, level three trauma centers, bone infections and what-not are hard on us old guys.

That said, I spend a lot of time on my bicycles.
