Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: Jagermeister

Football game is just a ball game. It's not a political event or gathering, national holiday celebration, military victory parade,.....There is no need to play the National Anthem before each game.

craigd made a great post Jagermeister. But you have responded with even more stupidity than that lame excuse for being a draft dodger. Are you really saying that only places like military victory parades or national holidays are appropriate places for our National Anthem?

So just how many military victories or National Holidays would there be if everyone was like you?

Any three of the following should be grounds for deportation... after being imprisoned and fed crows infected with West Nile Virus:

You lie to us about the guns you claim to own.

You lie to us about your reloading and hunting.

You tell us how proud you were to vote for the extreme anti-guner Obama... TWICE.

You are a Liberal socialist who believes in taking more taxes from workers to redistribute to leeches like yourself.

You don't own even one lousy double gun.

You continually post crap about pumps and autoloaders on a double gun forum.

You actually rent a cheap Chinese .22 bolt action rifle.

You are a grown man who collects stuffed animals that come from a toy store rather than a taxidermist.

And now this disrespect for our flag and those who fought to defend it?

It sounds like you and Stalin have a lot in common. Little wonder you cared so deeply about your Communist brothers... or comrades.

Thank you for your service to our great country.