Originally Posted By: moses
Originally Posted By: ed good
decided to clean out the mud by shooting it out, which, peeled the barrel back like a banana...my dad cut it off with a hacksaw, squared it with a file and replaced the bead...good as new, except for no choke and a four inch shorter barrel...

How have you missed this Keith.
The beginning of a boys career in firearms modification.

Great catch Moses! I was wondering more along the lines of how the experiences related by King Brown and Ed Good turned them into anti-2nd Amendment trolls who support anti-gun politicians like Obama and Bloomberg. I guess if I had a heart attack at a young age after quitting my job with a wife and young children to support, I might be unjustifiably inclined to expect others to pay for my health care. But that still wouldn't make it anything except Socialist Wealth Redistribution and an involuntary confiscation of other people's earnings. Ain't it disgusting how the same people who want to take away our gun rights also want to take away a large percentage of our earnings too? Tax my earnings to buy the votes of others on the dole, and you have stolen hours from my life... little different than slave holders.

What could be more immoral and uncivil? Some memories we only wish we could forget.

Originally Posted By: ed good

- wounded a possum by shooting it with bird shot...fortunately a wild hog caught it and ate it, so it did not have to suffer to long due to my stupidity...

Too bad the wild hog didn't catch and eat Ed... to save us all from his stupidity.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.