Brittany Man, did you know that Johnathan Browning converted an 1873 Winchester lever action rifle to fire full auto at a cyclic rate of about 600 rounds per minute? He did it in the late 1800's with a very simple mechanism.

Do you seriously think that Hillary Clinton or Chuck Schumer will be willing to negotiate with us and give concealed carry reciprocity or silencers in exchange for bump stocks and magazines over 20 rounds capacity?

It is more frightening to me to see men offering to give up little pieces of their freedoms than it is to think I may be shot by a mass murderer. 80 times as many people died in Chicago during Obama's reign, and the Liberal Left Democrats did absolutely nothing to stop gangbangers. Obama actually granted pardons to drug dealers and put them back on the streets.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.