I suspect the NFL will quietly tell the broadcasting networks to go to commercials instead of showing the national anthem. Baseball does it that way. If no cameras show the protest and the network commentators don't talk about it 95% of this will go away in a week. The only people who will be directly affected will be the fans at the game. You will reduce the audience from 50 million to 750k in one step. About a 98% reduction in one step.

It's like what you do to a three year old who is acting up to get attention. You can't always give him a swat on his bum like he might need. But if you just ignore him he will stop because even a three year old figures out it is not working. You need to remove the attention they are getting. First step is to not show it. Second step is to not talk endlessly about it. Don't debate it just stop paying it any attention. By that means you will have taken away their platform and they can get back to their job, playing football now protesting for social change.

If they want to make a real change challenge them to give up one game check a year or to not show up for the game and forfeit that check. Money talks and BS kneels. Kaepernick did not start this until he got benched. He was trying to keep himself in the spotlight. So I have zero interest in keeping him in the news.