Hi Lynn

Always glad to help. I tried to find Michael's postings and got

"if you have Steven Dodd Hughes book “Custom Rifles in Black & White” look on page 182. I use a setup a lot like his, rifle is held vertical on a polished steel rod in the bore. Reflected light from 2-500 and 2-250 3200 photo lights with defuser, all on a rheostat. For the Springfield I lowered the light until I got a nice soft light and used a long exposure, tripod of course. With digital I can do many shots with a faster or slower exposure in a short amount of time and just delete the bad ones. When I shoot engraving I have two leather straps hanging from the ceiling and shoot the gun in the horizontal position and use a hand held light (defused) to highlight the engraving. Background put in later with software Photoshop Elements. I have several colored backgrounds but will get some more, I think the picture can look better with a background and not added by the computer, but the jury is still out"

it is from this long thread.

one of Michael's photography threads
