Originally Posted By: Stan
But, my question is why. Why do 32" barrels make the perceived lead look less that that of a shorter barrel(s)? I'm looking for an answer that is based on the physics ............. plain and simple (numbers, if necessary grin).

Anybody here understand the mechanics of it well enough to explain it to me?

Thanks, SRH

There is no physics or geometry that will explain that unless you are a one-eyed shooter and shoot the gun like a rifle. Two-eyed shooters do not to my knowledge see the gun and set leads. For them the concept of "sighting plane" does not exist.
It all looks the same to me whether I shoot 27", 28", 30", 32". or 34" barrels. I just shoot the target. For fast target games like OT setting a lead is just not within the time realm of a human and I doubt that anyone does that.

Last edited by Wonko the Sane; 09/23/17 11:22 AM.

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