I need to get some data-points on La Manu SN's - working on it through relatives in Saint Chamond. I've been gradually compiling others based on what you all have posted over the years. For example,

From Larry:
post-1924. The little squiggle under the PT, on both the barrel flats and the water table, looks to me like the "supplementary mark for definitive proof in completely finished state". That's not a mark you see on many French doubles, and it's one that is more helpful in dating the gun.


The "Crown" over "PT" around 1900 was for semi-smokeless T powder and after 1923 was for a presure of 12k psi at the 1st pressure point with smokeless T powder. Are semi-smokeless T and smokeless T the same and when does the gun in question date? Last the barrel maker had to put his name on the tubes(post 1923??) or the proofhouse would stamp them as foreign tubes as ARME ETRANGERE.

I'm making all of this - your comments - into a chronological encyclopedia (including the Darne SN post - which is a lot better than nothing) and at some point will put out a compendium. (gadzooks - somebody might already have done this?)

Last edited by Argo44; 08/01/17 10:41 PM.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch