Still quoting from the chart, energy of the #7 shot @ 1330 is 4.88 ft/lbs, @1135 3.56 ft/;bs a difference of 37%. At 60 yds they are respectively .93 ft/lbs & .80 ft/lbs a difference of 16%
With #5's ME of the 1330 load is 10.08 ft/lbs, with the 1135 load 7.43 ft/lps for the same 37% difference. At 60 yds the faster load has dropped to 655 fps & 2.46 ft/lbs, the slower one has 605 fps & 2.09 ft/lbs a difference in energy of 17.7%. Obviously the higher speed load retains an advantage all the way, but it is nowhere near the magnitude that many believe & that the shell Makers promoted for years.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra