You sound like a "man after my own heart", mine is pretty much like yours, with a couple exceptions. I learned to carry hot chocolate when I was fighting prostate problems. I could sit 4 1/2 hours w/o getting up( also swivel chair with arms), When my first grandson was born, 23 years ago, I stopped smoking altogether, from a 2 pack a day habit. I go in a Ford Ranger, right up close to the ground blind. Using care when bushhogging can make a close parking place, behind bushes ( now the son of a friend has to do it. There is a nice 150 yd long, but narrow food plot in front( last year, I killed a 17 1/2" 9 pointer there. BTW, a VW Bug makes a very good hunting car. A German Hunter friend had one with the right front seat removed, and he could carry about as much as a mini pick up. Oh, I almost forgot, I used to use gas heaters, but found either a sleeping bag, with arms or wool blanket( depending on temp.) much easier in the long run.