Argo, added accents, fixed grammatical errors and added quite a few ones including tradesmen.
There are a few questionable entries


Abîmé(e) - spoiled/ruined/damaged
Acier - steel
Acier chocolat - excessively soft steel (Belgian trade vernacular)
Acier damas (also "damas") - damascus steel
Acier revenu - tempered steel
Acier trempé - quenched steel
Argent - silver
...vieil argent - old silver
Ailes - side clips
Âme du canon - bore
Amortisseur - pad (as in buttpad)
Ancien - old
Anson et Deeley; Anson- box lock
Arabesque - Scroll (engraving)
Arme de poing - hand gun
Arme d’épaule - long gun
Armurier - gun shop owner
Armurerie - gun shop, not a maker, historically a body armor vendor
Arquebusier - Gun maker (abbreviated as "Arqr")
Artisan - artisan
Avantage (à droite, à gauche) - cast-off, cast-on


Baguette de nettoyage - ramrod, cleaning rod
Banc d’épreuves - proof house
Bande - rib
...Prolongement de la bande - extension of the rib (to the receiver)
...Bande ventilée - ventilated rib
Balle - bullet or slug
Bascule - receiver/action
Bascule ronde - round receiver
Basculeur - tradesman putting the action together
Bille acier - steel shot
Bois - wood
...Bois de noyer - walnut
......Noyer blond - blond walnut
...Bois d'érable - maple
Boitier - housing
Bouche - muzzle
Bouchon de canon - bullet starter (muzzle loader)
Bouchon de percuteur - Firing pin bushing
Bouquets (gravure à) - rose engraving
Bourre - wad
Brasé - brazed
...brasé sur - brazed on
Bretelle - sling
...Bretelle à enrouleur - retractable sling (like on a Ideal)
...Brettelle retractable - retractable (built in) sling
Brevet - Patent
Breveté(e) - patented
...Breveté(e) SGDG - model patent ("sans garantie du gouvernement")- low grade, easy to obtain patent
Brisure, à - Breakage
Broche - pinfire
Bronze - bronze; (copper and tin alloy)
Bronzage - barrel blacking
Busc - comb (for a stock)


Cale - wedge (in a double rifle), or spacer between barrels
Calibre - caliber
Canon - barrel
...Canons frettés - sleeved barrel set (externally sleeved or jacketed, built-up barrels)
...Canons juxtaposés - SxS double barrel
...Canon lisse - smoothbore
...Canons miroir - mirror finish bores
......Canonnerie miroir - ditto
...Canons mixtes (Arme à) - cape gun
...Canon monobloc - Barrel set made in one block of steel
...Canon poli - honed barrel
...Canon rayé - rifled barrel
...Canon rayé dispersant -Rifled spreader barrel (usually Euro woodcock guns)
...Canons superposés - over/under
Canonnier - barrel maker
Capuche - metal piece surrounding the Deeley forearm push button
Carabine - rifle, carbine
Carabine de salon - indoor rifle
Carabine de jardin - light rifle, rook rifle
Cartouches à plombs - shot shell
Cartouches à balle - slug shell
Chambrage - chamber(ing)
Chambre - chamber
Chien - hammer
… Crête de chien - hammer spur
Chiens extérieurs - external hammers
Choke - Choke
…Cylindrique - cylinder choke (synonym: lisse)
... Demi choke - Modified choke
... Plein-full (as in choke
Chêne - Oak
Chromé(e) - chrome plated
Clé - key
Clé d’ouverture - top lever key
Clé sur le dessus - top lever key
Coffret - case (to put the gun in)
Contre-platines - false side-plates
Convergence - regulation (shotgun or double rifle)
Coquille - action ball; Shell (as as in sea-shell)
...Coquille de fusil de chasse - empty shotgun shell casing; Husk WC: Never heard or seen that one
Corne - horn
Cran de sécurité - Safety catch
Crête de chien - hammer spur
Crochet - barrel lump
...Crochets d’attache - barrel lump
...Crochets ajustés en queue d’aronde - dovetailed lump
...Crochet du canon - same
...Crochet encastré - dovetailed lump (embedded)
...Crochets rapportés - non integral lumps
Crosse - stock
...Crosse anglaise - English stock
...Crosse à joue - stock with cheek piece
...Crosse de borgne - crossover stock
...Crosse demi-pistolet - round knob grip stock
...Crosse pistolet - pistol grip stock
Crossier - stock maker
Cuir - leather (for the sling)
...Cuir surpiqué - double layered sown leather
Cuivre - copper
Culasse - standing breech or bolt
Culasse mobile - movable breech (i.e. on a Darne)
Cylindrique - cylinder choke (synonym: lisse)


Damasquiné - damascened
dans son jus - original, never modified or restored
Demi-coquelle - half cock (for hammer guns) (???WC)
Demi-bloc - chopper lump
Détente - trigger
...Double détente - double trigger
...Monodétente - single trigger
......Monodétente sélective - selective single trigger
Devant - forend
Devant à pompe - Deeley pushbutton forearm
D'occasion - used
Doré - gold filled
repoussé en ???
Double détente - double trigger
double verrou de fermeture - double locking bolt


Ébène - ebony
Écouvillon - cleaning rod and implement
...Écouvillon en laiton - brass barrel (cleaning) brush
écusson - shield (on a stock)
éjecteurs automatiques - automatic ejectors
enfoncements - dents
Épreuves - proof
...Banc d’épreuves - proof house
...double épreuve - double proof
...triple épreuve - triple proof
...épreuve ordinaire - version of normal proof
...épreuve supérieure - modern day "triple proof"
érable - maple (wood)
état - condition
...état mécanique - mechanical condition
...état moyen - so so condition; medium condition
...état mauvais - bad condition
…Pas en bon état - not in good condition
...état neuf - new condition
étranglement - choke
Etui - Gun case; gun slip
Express (also double "express") - double rifle
Extracteur - extractors


Fabricant (also abbreviated as "Fabt") - maker
Fausses-platines - false side-plates
Feu central, arme à - centerfire (gun)
Feuillet(s) - sight leaf
Feutrine - baize (gun case)
Fermeture en "T" - Jones underlever
Finition - finish
…Finition argent - silver finish
…Finition blue - blued finish
…Finition canon de fusil - gunmetal finish
…Finition chromée - chrome finish
…Finition nickelée - nickel finish.
…Finition noir - blued finish
Forage - bore (barrel)
Frères - Brothers
Frette - monoblock;
Fusil - firearm (normally a shotgun but also a military rifle)
...Fusil à broche - pinfire gun
...Fusil à canon scié - sawed off shotgun
...Fusil à chargement par la bouche - muzzle loader
...Fusil à Chien - hammer gun
...Fusil de chasse - shotgun
...Fusil juxtaposé - double gun
... Fusil juxtaposé Artisanal Français - Artisanal French double gun (quite often maker not known)
...Fusils lever-action - lever action gun
......Fusil à levier de sous-garde - ditto
......Fusil levier sous garde - ditto
...Fusil à percussion - muzzle loading, percussion rifle
...Fusil à piston - percussion gun
...Fusil à pompe - pump gun (also "branlette" in French hunting vernacular)
...Fusil à silex - flintlock


Gachette - sear
Gachette interruptrice - safety sear
Garnisseur - tradesman assembling barrels, ribs and lumps
Graveur - engraver
Gravure(s) - engraving(s)
Grenadière - sling swivel
Goupille - round pin
Goupille de charnière - hinge pin
Guidon - front sight
... protège-guidon - sight hood
Guilloché(e) - ornamented with geometric design
...Vis guillochées - ornamented screws


Hausse - back sight (originally adjustable type)


Illisible - illegible


Jaspage - case coloring
Jaspé(e) - case colored
...Jaugé à - gauged/regauged to (chambers enlarged to)???
Jeu - play (in the sense of movement)
...Jeu dans la bascule - (play in the receiver)
...sans jeu - without play
Joue - cheekpiece
...Joue allemande - German style cheeckpiece
Juxtaposé - side by side


Laine d’acier - steel wool
Laiton - Brass: alloy - 70 parts copper; 30 parts zinc
Levier - Lever
Levier de sécurité (ou sécurité) - safety lever
Longuesse - forestock
Longuesse à poussoir - Anson forend (forestock with pushrod release)
Lunette - scope


Maniable - easy to the hand/handy
Mono-canon - single barrel
Monodétente - single trigger
Monteur à bois - stocker
Moulé(e) - molded


Nickelé(e) - nickel plated
Noix - Hammer axis


Oeilleton - peep sight
Or - gold
...Or fin - fine gold
doré - gold plated or gold applique
Oreille - Sideclip
Organes de visée - sights
Orné(e) - ornamented
Oxydation - oxydation


Paire - pair of guns
Pente - drop
...Pente au busc - drop at comb
...Pente au talon - drop at heel
Percussion centrale - center percussion, center fire (hammer gun)
Percuteur - Firing pin
Pièce d'armurerie - piece of firearms manufacture ???
Pierrage - honing
Pique - pitted
...Piqûres - pitting
...Petites piqûres - light pitting
Planchette - back sight folding leaf
Plaque de couche - butt plate
Plaqué(e) - plated
Platine - side lock
...Platine Holland - front lock as made by H&H or others
...Platine arrière - back lock
...Platine avant - front lock
...Platine démontable - hand removable sidelock
...Platine encastrée - embedded locks
...Platine rebondissante - rebounding lock
Plein--full (as in choke)
Plomb - lead (shot)
Poinçon - stamp
...Poinçons réglementaires - legal stamps
...Poinçons d'épreuve - proof marks
Poire à poudre - powder horn; powder flask
Poli(e) - polished
polissage en long - longitudinal honing
Poncée huile (Crosse) - sanded with oil finish (stock)
Pontet - trigger guard
Pontet à volute - trigger guard with volute in front
Portée - range (as in shooting distance)
Poudre - powder (gunpowder)
...Poudre blanche--smokeless powder
...Poudre pyroxylée - smokeless powder (French)
...Poudre sans fumée - smokeless powder
...Poudre Vive - smokeless Powder ( Belgian)
Poussoir - push rod (forestock)
propre - clean, nice


Quadrillage - Checkering
Quadrilleur - Checkerer
Queue d’aronde - dovetail (old French for"swallow tail" which is more accurate than dove tail, actually)


Rallonge de crosse - stock extension
Rayé à chargement par la bouche - muzzle loader rifle
Rayures - scratches or rifling
Relime - steel parts shaping (by chisel or file)
Relimeur - tradesman shaping the action and other parts
Ressort - spring
Ressort à boudin - Coil spring
Restauration - restoration
Réticule - Reticle (scope)
Rinceaux - leaves and branches (engraving)
Rouille - rust
...Rouille légère - light rust


Sabot - butt pad
Sabot - sabot projectile
Scène de chasse - hunting scene (engraving)
Sécurité - safety
Sécurité dès qu'elle est arméee - safety automatically on when cocked
Serré - tight
Similor - alloy; 100 parts Red copper; 12 parts zinc
Soudure - solder
…Soudure d’argent/à l'argent - Silver solder
…Soudure à l’étain - Tin solder (lead and tin mixed)
…Soudure de cuivre - Copper brazing (red coper, old silver, antimony, zinc, etc.)
Stéphanois - from Saint-Etienne region
Successeur (also abbreviated to "succr") - Successor to
Sûreté - safety


Talon - heel
Tire-cartouche - extracteur
Tirette - action rod
Tombac - alloy; 16 parts copper; 1 part zinc; 1 part tin
Tonnerre - place where the ignition happen
Triplette - 3-gun set
Tromblon - blunderbuss (or bad shotgun)
Tube - barrel tube
Type anglais - English style


Valise - Case
Verrou - lock, also bolt
Verrou de fermeture - closing bolt
Verrou vertical - rising bite
Verrouillage - locking system
Vernis - varnish
Vis - Screw

Last edited by WildCattle; 05/27/17 11:57 AM. Reason: many edits