Hal Hamilton owned serial number 2, and maybe still does. Here is a 1991 picture of Hal and Savage Historian Roe Clark holding serial number 2 --

From the very earliest Ansley H. Fox 12-gauge doubles I've handled serial number 8, a B-grade; serial number 29 a C-Grade and serial number 35 a CE "Special" grade.

The current working hypothesis is that serial numbers 1 through 3000 were made, or at least started into production, at the original A.H. Fox Gun Co. factory at Wayne & Bristol Streets, in 1905 and 06. After they moved into the Philadelphia Arms Co. factory at North 18th Street and Windrim Avenue at the end of 1906,

they started again at serial number 7000. Two guns have made the rounds with serial numbers in the 6xxx serial number range, but they are both widely considered to be upgraded fakes.

Last edited by Researcher; 05/26/17 11:10 PM.