It was a good day. Not as good a turnout as past years, tho'. Twenty-one in the main 12 ga. event. Kinda disappointing for the promoters, not that they make anything on it. $75 for the 100 target main event, which covers a great lunch. too. Fried fish, hush puppies, french fries, cole slaw, cake and tea (sweet, o' course). Of that $75, $35 goes to the club to pay for the targets and lunch. The rest is returned to the shooters in winnings. None is kept by the promoters for anything.

There was a 20 ga. event of 50 birds, and a .410 event of 50 birds. Great targets, not "feel good cushy" stuff.. Some of you guys within driving distance should make plans to attend next year, if possible.


May God bless America and those who defend her.