Originally Posted By: pooch
Originally Posted By: dal
Ken.....that's so funny...laughed out load!

What CB said about the - 40c. One thing about the cold is that you can always dress warmer! layer, layer then layer some more! Was at 20,000 feet once...-30c. most of the other climbers, new to the game, had $1000 jackets and $200 mitts....and froze. I had 5 layers and a final wind breaker shell. 2 inner layer mitts with an outer shell...very toasty.

Fleese, fleese and more fleese. A good layer of 'Thinsulate' will do wonders. Wearing a helmet while skiing is good to keep the heat in in also. For me...as long as the back of my neck is warm...i'm good. So thick turtle necks and high collard fleese pull overs. A 'dicky' is a must also, to protect one's face. Easy to pull up or down when needed.

Hot and a ton of black flies and mosquitoes at the cottage yesterday....can't wait till September!

I've been wondering about fleese. I works well here in Texas and is easier to take care of then wool. I'm a big believer in scarfs also, they provide a lot of warmth, take up little space and can be removed and put in a pocket. To me the trick of not freezing is to not get too hot and sweat. Stay a little cold.

My wife was a northerner from Cleveland. When she first came to Texas she would run out to catch as much sun as possible. It took a while to convince her that the hot sun could be dangerous. There are things to be careful about here in the Texas heat but it is not down right dangerous like cold can be.

Yes, Fleece, is very warm. But I've never heard of fleese.