That's what blows me away about cold, there are so many things that won't work or needs special handling. A person has to have cold weather experience to even survive. I worked a couple of years up in Chicago and had my eyes opened. I know you Canuks think Chicago is like living in the tropics, but I thought it was really cold and could be pretty tough. One of my best friends got hit by a car while using his snow blower. Getting out of your driveway can be dangerous in really cold weather.

My wife was working as an art rep there, carrying those big art portfolios. She barely broke a hundred pounds. She would get hit by that wind coming down State Street and I kept expecting her to end up in Kansas.

I do miss cross country skiing, enjoyed bundling up by a fire and always wanted to go ice fishing.

Last edited by pooch; 05/19/17 03:29 PM.