I promised to provide King Brown evidence of anti-gun rhetoric and anti-2nd Amendment sentiment that he (and others like Ed Good) have posted here on this firearms related forum.

King denied ever even seeing as much during his 15 year tenure here... even though I had posted one example of his typical denial of the Individual right to keep and Bear Arms just hours earlier. I don't think that Satan himself could be any more dishonest and deceptive about something. In my opinion, it would take a deep level of dishonesty, or severe mental illness, to deny that the QUOTES which follow are anything but anti-gun, anti-2nd Amendment, or anti-NRA.

I know for a fact that King has seen this one several times which was posted by his fellow anti-gun Troll Ed Good:

Originally Posted By: ed good
as for the gun control issue...we are the only country in the world that seems to tolerate mass murder, in the name of an individual right...its about time that we as a society realize that we are over gunned with too many super dangerous weapons in the hands of too many super dangerous people... it is long past time to do as the rest of the civilized world has done and simply, disarm...

Here's a small example of King's devout and unwavering support for anti-gun politicians.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
It's hardly mean-spirited to note that I'm an Obama supporter. I'm proud of it, apparent here as long as he's been around. He's anti-gun but has kept his legislative gun in his holster to position his party for '16.

He dishonestly defends Obama by stating that he had "kept his legislative gun in his holster to position his party for '16." even though he knew damn well that Obama had done all he could to advance strict gun controls on law abiding citizens, and had already signed dozens of anti-gun Executive orders. King has voiced similar support for Ted Kennedy, George Soros, Bill Clinton, and a host of other anti-gunners. If any of us voiced similar support for KKK leader David Duke, King would pounce upon us and label us a racists. But he wants us to believe his unbridled support for anti-gunners in no way makes him anti-gun. Wow!

Here's a couple where King is selling gun control as a good thing, and criticizing the U.S. for not doing more to restrict guns:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Gun control doesn't work? I believe gun control works reasonably generally in Canada, providing a less violent society compared to some others, in good part because of our different culture.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Democracies make choices. Americans accept mass murder to defend an individual right to bear arms in the name of personal freedom.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Pew Research has a good reputation, Jim. It's a source in the link Ed posted. Crime is declining in Canada, too, although our tougher-on-crime federal government can't build jails and penitentiaries fast enough.

Misfires seems near unanimous that there's no correlation between the number of guns and surpassing US gun violence, and that more guns lowers a homicide rate experienced nowhere else in the developed world.

I believe there is a connection---as most liberals do--- and that those conservative and liberal countries with exceedingly lower rates are a result of their democratically chosen, more-onerous, freedom-restricting regulations, common-sense or not.

I commented earlier on the cultural differences between the US and other countries in this respect, including how differently the US and Canada developed. Why do Americans dismiss the graphs and statistics?

Originally Posted By: King Brown
The roots I'm comfortable with are the radical---"to get to the root of"---and that's Jesus's teaching. The shame is how far the Christian community has drifted from it. We act irrationally from fear when the Christian message is to fear not, even death itself.We call ourselves Christian nations and stockpile ammunition, need concealed carry to protect ourselves and a regulated militia without regulations to protect us from our own governments, abandoning Jesus's teaching to defend it.

And here's King using the exact same anti-gun propaganda as Handgun Control Inc. where he attemts to portray juvenile gangbangers and criminals as children:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
What would pass for absurd in Canada is the notion that a vote for liberals means an anti-gun sentiment, as if a reverence or need for guns comes first in a country's priorities. Or anti-gun to mention US acceptance of mass murder, mass school executions, 438 children being hit by a bullet every month between 2004 and 2014, 13 children between one and three killed themselves with guns so far this year as the violence that defines the US trickles down to babies in diapers.

King has repeatedly lied and provided false statistics to support his anti-2nd Amendment position. He has totally misrepresented the views of Constitutional scholar Marc Levin about his views on the 2nd Amendment. He has repeatedly flamed and criticized the NRA and Wayne LaPierre, and numerous times suggested returning to the same concessionary stance that led us to the Gun Control Act of 1968.

In spite of all this, and so much more anti-gun rhetoric from King, and Ed, and a few other anti-gunners, King can sincerely look us in the eye and say this:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Fifteen years of my almost daily visits here confirm there are no anti-gun members.

When lies and dishonesty become as reflexive and second nature as breathing, you'll have that.

And it is that kind of dishonesty that Gladys Kravitz, I mean old colonel, wishes to enable by suppressing my calling attention to it. Has anyone seen Gladys b*tch about the off topic thread diversions when it comes to hockey??? Me either. Hypocrites like that disgust me, especially when their obvious goal is to enable anti-gunners.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.