As another poster recently stated "A modicum of common decency is what all of us should strive for, this includes both of us".

Keith there in no hypocrisy in desiring you to stop diverting threads in current time.

You appear to believe because I have not worked hard at every other diversion I am flawed. That may be right in infinitesimally small way, but it is truly because I got tired of the volume, nastiness, and mean spiritedness of many of your diversions that attracted my attention to you.

You may think me a hypocrite, I think myself tired of your unending vitriolic stream and the way it turns good threads to trash.

You practice childish name calling and proclaim clearly you hold grudges you cant escape. I understand that you cannot overcome your anger and hate. I do not understand why a mature adult cannot practice a more grown up approach, but you may be teaching me.

Your reposting of old threads are about the only anti-gun stuff we see from any of these guys lately. As they do not appear to be creating any new anti-gun threads recently. You are just rehashing old arguments and fights. If someone posts a new anti-gun thread then go after it intelligently showing how they are wrong. This is a mature position with the actual use of reason.

Should someone here post in support of socialism or Fidel Castro or whatever, that is the time to demonstrate their position is erroneous and flawed. Forever rehashing it in unrelated threads would be diverting and tiresome.

Your argument against civility is shortsighted and quite ridiculous; further it requires us to forever hold grudges. It demands permanent antagonism and nastiness.

I do not believe there is a probability that liberal infiltration of our board will turn even a minute number of us in to gun haters or lower our awareness of the liberal agenda when we vote. I think I can read King or whoever without fear of infection.

Your negativity is the drag here. Only the uncivil are challenged by requests for good manners. You make some very good quality post on double-guns and have good base of knowledge to share. You do not need to be uncivil to be understood.

Yes I try to operate civilly. I encourage you to do likewise. Even if we want to take a baseball bat to someone it is possible to grin and write clearly, gently, and politely in reply. I make no claim I have been prefect in my posts. I slip at times with my content (especially in grammar and spelling as you have noted).

I wish you well, and thank you for the Miss Manners website shortcut, I wish you too would go there and learn.

Michael Dittamo
Topeka, KS