Since we're still engaging in conjecture and guessing games about the origin of this hammer gun, I'll toss out the theory that this could be some European version of a Lunch-Box Special with false proof marks to give it an air of legitimacy. That's as good as anything put out there so far. Larry seems to have it narrowed down to about a 50-60 year range somewhere between England, France, and Italy, but that will no doubt expand.

I was a bit taken aback to return here after a day of yard work and an evening of libations, to find that I was the victim of a full frontal Libtard attack from the usual gaggle of Obama worshipers. Actually, a few of the usual suspects are missing, so I'll conclude they all moved to Canada to live with King Brown after Trump won the election. I found it strange that Gladys... I mean old colonel, did not admonish Last Dollar for making not one, not two, but three posts that offered nothing pertinent to the topic... Just more of his usual agenda driven stupidity. And it was no surprise to see a snide, but totally off topic remark from dla (sic), the Liberal Left Mayor of Munchkinland. The ever brilliant Larry Clown is still IGNORING me by responding to me. Wow. And I am just devastated that poor pod is so traumatized that he can't share his info about his fine guns. Imagine how he'd feel when Jagermeister advised him to sell them and buy an A-5! Actually, I'm surprised he came back after that mean old franc-otte and Kensal beat up on him in 2012:

Originally Posted By: pod
frac-otte-kensalrise: well im old and a little forgetful and not the best english major or use of the english language but i try.
i want to thank you for making me feel like a dunce. i really dont poise a threat to your knowlege in the gun world. again thank you and i will remove myself along with many others from this forum you two should be part of the welcoming committe.

Of course, Last Dollar made a similar drama-laced farewell, but returned too. What is it with these guys who repeatedly respond to you when they claim to IGNORE you, and with the drama queens who leave in an estrogen fueled huff, but can't just stay gone? Must be a Liberal thing. And Leverhead apparently thinks that I'm bad for the forum and our sport, but Ed Good's anti-2nd Amendment rhetoric is OK for the forum and our sport. You can't make this shit up! I am totally unimpressed by all of them, but what the hell... I'll accept full responsibility for the fact that Dr. Gaddy and Lowell Glenthorne no longer post here if it makes him feel better.

But then, after Last Brain Cell... I mean Last Dollar, made his third off topic post with another salvo, along with his plea to return to the topic, which he himself had added nothing to, except his usual crap... and after the original poster Longwalker had exhorted all to play nice and return to the original topic... After all that... Gladys Kravitz, I mean old colonel, just couldn't resist returning with more of her own hypocritical and decidedly off topic whining and complaining.

Gladys just had to lecture LeFusil for saying that he appreciated what I say and do here. And wouldn't you just know it, none of the gaggle of Libtards had any problem with Gladys making yet another off topic post that contributed absolutely nothing to solving the mystery of the origins of the gun! Certainly not Last Dollar! Shocking! But Gladys obviously feels justified, as our self appointed thread moderator, don't you Gladys? I thought we had reached an understanding awhile back. Guess not. Here we go again.

Here's a thought Gladys, I mean old colonel. I'll agree to conform to your hypocritical and disingenuous idea of "manners" when you agree to stop being a tight-assed hypocritical pinhead. In other words, when hell freezes over. You also have to agree to stop these repeated thread diversions. Actually, there is nothing about you that I'd wish to emulate, ever. People like you with your faux civility disgust me.

LeFusil, thank you very much for your kind words. So sorry you had to endure a lecture from Mrs. Kravitz though. Now we'll both have trouble sleeping at night, having invoked her stern and frequently unintelligible disapproval.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.