Originally Posted By: Drew Hause
I should have stopped reading about p. 7 frown

Enough about guns, loads, shot strings, patterns and one pellet breaks - let's talk about Laetril!!

The problem with the not new but always popular grand conspiracy theory to deny beneficial therapies, fake scientific results, and squelch new discoveries by big pharma, the AMA, and medical professionals is PEOPLE WE LOVE GET SICK TOO.
Our wives get breast cancer and MS
Our children get ALL and glioblastoma
We watch our parents die of pancreatic cancer

Very few of us are blind complicit fools on the take for financial gain, and we want those we love to have the best (as currently defined and likely to change) care available, and are quite capable of doing independent research to find what and where that might be.

I appreciate you sentiment and believe I share your frustration.


Michael Dittamo
Topeka, KS