Sorry this has veered off course again.

There are many theories about MS Ken. Board certified neurologists are required to recommend that all patients use one of the approved treatments.

Many patients try, fail, and seek alternatives.

There are several nutrition based plans, mostly contradictory.

The heterogeneous nature of the disease means that what works for one, may do nothing for another.

I tend to be cynical about the whole system, from the doctors who are sometimes like monkeys examining a Swiss watch to the drug companies and their brochures full of happy smiling faces.

Drug development is profit driven. Without incentive, we would have none of the advancements of recent years. Wonder drugs do not come from communist countries.

Yet, one must question the ethics. Who are the test subjects in the control group of a clinical study? Should seriously ill people be treated with the available drugs or be used as lab rats to develop more effective stuff we can sell to those able to afford it?

The Theranos story is especially interesting. That was a fraud on many levels, but the critical issue was a that an experimental process, indeed an unproven dream, was sold as s finished product. People have such faith in modern science that they are easily deceived.

"The price of good shotgunnery is constant practice" - Fred Kimble