Yes, be very careful with the cheek piece. Many stocks that have them have a bit of cast in the actual comb area. And removing them may dramatically alter your sight line. Also, some may "dish" in some on each side of the cheek piece which will not allow you the ability to get a true surface on the side of the stock once removed.

In regards to a curved butt. Nearly any hard plastic plate can be conformed to a curved surface, as well as many recoil pads. Silvers pads bend nicely to curved surfaces. And some other types as well.

I do not blane you for wanting to make the alterations to the stock for better fit and looks. Cheek pieces on doubles in North America is an undesirable feature (generally speaking). And i too would like to remove them from a european gun. But sometimes it just cannot be done given the lines you have to work with.
