Ted, in addition to the numbers John posted above: Ithaca made 225,000 guns, just during the Flues years. Fox was just shy of 200,000 sxs produced. And Parker, LC Smith, and Ithaca all made more doubles than Fox. If you're going to cite a French maker for volume, you'd be much better off using Manufrance rather than Darne. But I will join you in defending the gun's esthetics and action. I've determined they're not for me (the R-14 now has a new owner), but I do think they're attractive, and clearly well-made.

Re Bodio, I heard (long ago) that he was contacted by convicted spy Christopher Boyce ("The Falcon" of the book and movie "The Falcon and the Snowman", who sold out his country to the Russians) about writing his biography. Falconry was the obvious connection there. My understanding is that Bodio turned him down. Bravo for him.