Replacement, your last lame reply indicates that it is you who cannot or will not read. Of course I read the NRA piece, and I have already noted that they have been unable to do much to reverse the Kalifornia ban. Did you see where I noted that the NRA Board does not comprise the Kalifornia Legislature and Wayne LaPierre is not either Dictator or Governor of Kalifornia? Or did your big mouth block your vision? The NRA absolutely has tried, which is likely a lot more than you have done. Have you done even a tiny bit of research to see what they have accomplished elsewhere? Did you bother clicking on this link? Or are you too invested in denial, denigrating the NRA, and attempting to prove me wrong:

EPA Surrenders to NRA on Gun Control/ Lead Ammo Ban Issue

The NRA has done a tremendous amount to both inform gun owners and sportsmen about lead ammunition bans, and to lobby and mount legal battles to stop or reverse them. They spend a huge amount on efforts to elect pro-gun politicians... the kind King Brown would never support. If you aren't happy with them, you could ask for a refund of your membership dues money... that is, if you ever put your money where your mouth is and joined the fight.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.