The highest serial number for the first mark so far is #3744.

"H.A. Linder - Suhl
Founded 1874
Berlin Salesrooms
P. Helbig Wilhelmstrasse 53
Charles Daly Guns
Export to North America"

So, 1874 for Heinrich's firm's founding, with the big Daly deal and his marriage to Hedwig coming later, around 1877.

All as per Raimey.

I'm hesitant so far as an attempt to date, I'll leave that for Raimey. If lock crosspin location is related to serial number, this gun bumps the number for last forward located pins from 1569 to 1670.


Last edited by Ken61; 01/07/17 09:13 PM.

I prefer wood to plastic, leather to nylon, waxed cotton to Gore-Tex, and split bamboo to graphite.