Indeed- I just guessed at the spelling- Muransky-Muranski-I will share all your research with my sister, who lives in Germantown MD. She was always more interested in our "roots" from Slavic Europe pre-WW1-- Also true, I believe, that especially in Germany and Austria, a surname could also be the same word used to describe or denote a trade or profession-- Herr Meuller- Mr. Miller-- a man who worked at a mill. Herr Zimmerman- a man who worked as a carpenter- Herr Baumann- A man who worked on or with trees- a tree surgeon--

Many thanks for all your fine research, for an e-mail "stranger" who lives in the American Midwest. I shall go to my "profile" on this BBS and see if I can figure out what is causing the apparent blocking of messages to me, at the listed e-address therein- Viel Gluck, mein Fruend.-

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..