You guys need to keep in mind that both Cabelas and Bass Pro are big box stores and their target is the middle class to lower middle class married shopper. If you want quality you need to shop at Orvis or Beretta Gallery. Bass Pro is smart because they cater to kids and to the wives. A guy can take the family for an outing and go to a Bass Pro. He gets to play with the guy goodies the wife can shop cloths and be taken to a good place to eat and the kids can see Santa Claus, play with the toys and look at the stuffed animals. Cabelas was the gun library which is great for us guys but the wife and kids are soon bored. Cabelas has spent major bucks on their stuffed animals but they are not displayed well.

I worked for Cabelas during their conversion from a family owned store to a corporate store. The change in the atmosphere was remarkable. Family stores are usually run by people that love their creation and the atmosphere is warm. Corporations are run by MBA's and the atmosphere is often cold.