King, you have reminded me of some old names and places. In the early and middle 1980's my back yard looked at the back of the "Kremlin". LOL

But I of course, in my earlier comment, wasn't looking for the names of long ago newsmen who took their jobs seriously, yourself included. I was looking for the name of the current man or woman who dictates the course for this current abomination of a news gathering and dissemination organization.

Of course, there isn't one. And it's poor quality can't be blamed on the Conservatives....everyone at the current CBC did their best to destroy the Conservatives. It clearly was no organ of the state.

My point being that it's a fallacy to blame the current sorry state of main stream media news gathering and broadcast skills on the mogul who owns the organization. In Canada, we had the example of Conrad Black, a conservative media mogul if ever there was one, being lamented when he lost control of the Post to the Aspers, by the very leftist journalist he hired. Why? Because he expected and demanded quality work and writing and created the sort of newsroom they all were dying to work in.

The sorry state of our media is a direct result of the leftists ownership (NY Times, Washington Post, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star etc. THE LIST IS EXTENSIVE) and employees who abandoned objectivity in favour of pushing their own agenda.

Edit to add....your last are out of the loop. The CBC TV news organization is a joke by any standard. It may once have been respected but is no longer.

What was 40 years ago is most likely no longer true today.

Last edited by canvasback; 12/16/16 03:48 PM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia