The whining pouting crybaby fraud Little King Brown keeps clinging to the popular vote total. But all that proves is his complete lack of understanding and accepting the rules of the U.S. Election process. If it went the other way, he and Liberal democrats would be lecturing us about being sore losers who wish to change the rules after the fact. Does everyone here recall the hue and cry about Donald Trump actually having the nerve to question the integrity of the final ballot during the last Presidential Debate. The same people who are complaining the loudest now are the ones who said Trump's statement during the debate disqualified him as a serious contender for office.

If popular vote was the sole determining factor, the candidates would have naturally used an entirely different strategy during the campaign, They would have spent their time and money in population centers where they thought they could get the most voters to come out and cast a ballot for them on election day. Instead, they concentrated on the so-called battleground states and pretty much ignored those places that were going to be an almost certain Electoral Vote loss. Trump was astute enough to get more than enough Electoral College votes to win easily. And he did it without spending anything close to what Hillary spent in her campaign of smearing and attempting to get the voters to ignore her many flaws.

Little King still has not shown us where Putin lied about Hillary, which is in stark contrast to Little King's total lies he made about Trump. So who is the sleazy one there?

If there was no Electoral College, it is safe to say that the outcome would have been no different because there is ample evidence that Little King's precious Liberal Left Socialism is on the downswing. We see it in every other branch of government from the Federal to the State and Local level. And it isn't just here in the U.S. that the masses are finally responding to the many failures of Socialism. Check the Oct. 3, 2016 TIME MAGAZINE article, "Europe Swings Right", pg. 30. Here's a link for crybaby Little King. The only wine he has been producing is made from sour grapes and is diluted with his tears.

Oh yeah, I noticed that Rocky Mtn Bill slipped out the back door once again, after getting caught in more of his Libtard lies and bullshit. I was really hoping he'd take my offer of a bet over his cowardly and false accusation that I was lying about proper lubrication for an MMC Checkering tool. When I said I wanted to make a substantial wager, I was thinking enough money to hurt him financially, and maybe a few guns to boot. But it's hard to show courage of convictions when you are sneaking out the back door with your tail between your legs. Right Billy?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.