Bill, you are a microcosm of how and why the public schools are doing a poor job. But you have repeatedly blamed that on a lack of taxpayer money even though we spend more per pupil than any nation on Earth. Let's kill two birds with one stone and examine your answer to me this morning. You say I somehow misinterpreted your obvious support for Hillary due to a reading comprehension problem. I get your support for Hillary from the sum total of all of your posts in this election cycle. And I get your reliable support for anti-2nd Amendment Liberal Democrats from the sum total of all of your political commentary. I didn't misinterpret anything based upon one simple comment about Trump's sometimes crude language, even though you lacked the courage to state your obvious support for Hillary Clinton, the anti-gun Liberal Left Democrat. Here's an example from a few months ago... where the retired public school English Teacher shows us that he cannot spell the word hypocrite:

Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
I'm no hypocrit. The Republican Party is nuts. I can't help them. I'll try to stay out of it here, but James' post calls out for some response so that others here don't conclude his lunacy is the only view on this site.

Take a gander at your posts for the last six months where you have done nothing but bash Trump in your political commentary. You've made a fair amount of political commentary recently even though you have also lectured us that such commentary has no place here. Does that make you a hypocrit, or a hypocrite? You've used that poor excuse of being only human and getting a fact wrong now and then in the past too. Then you go on to post more lies and bullshit... and also show us that the English Teacher cannot spell the word skeptic either:

Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Thanks, Ken. I think I do understand how many,many people have been ignored, shut out, abandoned, and made obsolete by the forces that operate the world. I also think it's a failure on the part of both parties though I'm inclined to give more blame to the Democrats. They used to represent the underdog. The Republicans haven't done so since Lincoln. If Trump could make an effort now to heal the Great Divide, he could win some support from his sceptics. The divide we see right here is a microcosm of the bigger world. Perhaps we can ease up on the rancor. There's always plenty to argue about. Yelling never seems to advance understanding.

You make the absurd and dishonest claim that the Republicans haven't represented the underdog since Lincoln. Perhaps the ex-public school teacher should do a little homework and check where Lyndon Johnson got the majority of votes to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Then check the votes for the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Then you should check to see just who was for, and who was against women getting the right to vote during the passage of the 19th Amendment. You could also look at who passed and signed the OSHA Act to protect the lives of workers. You could also check to see which Party has been most inclined to tax the crap out of the middle class. But you won't.

You aren't about facts Billy. You are all about repeating NEA and DNC propaganda. You have repeatedly proven to me that you can't be bothered with facts, and you typically refuse to acknowledge your lies when you get caught. Did you learn that from Marcus Aurelius... or did you learn that from King Brown?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.