Originally Posted By: King Brown
No, craig, the meddling is only part of it. The new president and presumptive secretary of state are friends with close business ties to Putin and his corrupt autocracy who are doing everything to weaken the United States....

....as always with these guys, follow the money

Wouldn't one objectively conclude that russia benefited like never before in history by having an obama sec-o-state serve up a nice chunk of US uranium production.

Take a look at what that means. First, not just any ole money, but chrony pay to play wealth beyond the infirm gals wildest dreams. The US is weakened, why should we enable russian nuke ambitions? And, the current sec-o-state can't even approach putin for complementary ukranian ice festival tickets.

Interesting eh? He's surrounding himself with experts that have immediate access to our biggest enemies inner circle. Take a look at our current chinese ambassador's qualifications to strengthen us, payback for helping force feed ocare. Did Trump reward Rudy, or is he seeking out the brightest and best for the job at hand. Could bo be more trivial?