What does ten mean in the grand scheme of things? Ten gun out of ten is a major red flag, ten out of five thousand not so much. It all has to be looked at in context. Those with an agenda will take thing out of context and blow them up because it serves their cause. Worse what crimes were the guns involved in? A minor secondary charge like possession while drunk driving, transporting in a car not in a case with the ammo locked in the trunk, or were they used in a real crime? These type of stories are often so slanted that you need to read them twice and think about what information is missing to figure out the real picture.

I have seen many small business run so poorly that embezzlement is often undetected for years, if ever. Worse if the owner is skimming cash out of the business then his employees often figure they also are entitled to a little for themselves. And if caught will say you can not do anything about it because I'll flip and tell the IRS what I know you have been doing for years.

Years ago I had a good friend who ran his gun store so sloppy that a good audit would have finished him off in no time. He was lucky in that he had a minor theft by one of his employees and decided to put into place fairly decent inventory control methods and made sure his records were complete. He passed three complete sales tax audits, a couple or IRS audits and several BATF inspections without a single problem. Not bad for a boy who quit school at 16. Now he is retired living out west and his store has passed through three different owners who all have failed to make a go of it. Two out of three of them I know have college degrees so education is not everything in the gun business.