Originally Posted By: dal
Miss negative nancy Ken!!! why is your glass always half full? This should prove that trump IS different and WILL be way better than most??

I hope trump is the best prez america ever has.....believe it or not.

Funny how his supporters leave his side so quickly. I'm sure 'IF' he fails to deliver....one could always compare him to the worst of the bunch, and say well....he lied less than the rest.

Lets hope his DID list becomes bigger then his failed to do list. Otherwise....we were all fooled.

DAL, don't we all HOPE that the person we support and who gets elected will do what they say? Are Trump's supporters any different? Shouldn't we abandon him if he fails to deliver in a significant way on his promises?

I would posit that it is incredible to me that despite the amazing lack of follow-through on the raised expectations of Obama 2008, that ALL of his supporters didn't abandon him. Why stick with a liar? Why stick with someone ineffectual?

I'm happy to say my guy won this time. But if he doesn't follow through, I'll kick him to the curb as fast as I did Obama. It shouldn't be any other way.

Unless.......you are more interested in cults of personality (or of gender/race) than actual good government.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia