Originally Posted By: King Brown
Me, too.

Are you poking fun at the influence of feeding our kids a steady diet of progressive pc?

What's your thought on the various ways that colleges and universities across the US have 'helped' their students cope with the Trump election victory? I'd particularly like to know how using 'educational' funds, often from state tax payers, can be justified expenses for; playdough, coloring books, legos, comfort puppies, miniature ponies and of course cry rooms?

These kids were ten or twelve years old when bo took office. Immediately, inserts were printed up that fall for sticking in publicly funded text books, and by that January, history was rewritten with text books all about pc on steroids.

Again, specifically, what would make anyone think these kids need comfort animals, infantile toys and cry rooms? What would make kids in higher education seek out and actually use these types of entitlements?

Is this 'our' future?