Originally Posted By: King Brown
I was vetting him but everyone rightly or wrongly was disagreeing with me!

The anti-2nd Amendment fraud King Brown was vetting his hero Barack Hussein Obama alright. However, his vetting of Obama was totally dishonest. He told us that Obama was "cerebral and eloquent" and that he would certainly be among the top third of all U.S. Presidents. King flat out lied to us when he said the following, knowing full well that Obama had tried mightily to enact sweeping gun control legislation all throughout his political life, and as president in early 2013 after the Newtown school shootings:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
It's hardly mean-spirited to note that I'm an Obama supporter. I'm proud of it, apparent here as long as he's been around. He's anti-gun but has kept his legislative gun in his holster to position his party for '16.

In my opinion, considering the totality of King Brown's past posts and the large volume of his anti-2nd Amendment rhetoric, if Donald Trump was a Liberal Socialist Democrat and an anti-gunner, King Brown would simply love him... even in spite of his past statements.

If Donald Trump was a Liberal Left Democrat anti-gunner, King Brown would totally ignore everything that he finds to denigrate him about now. We all know that King won't even reply to any post containing references to the huge amount of institutional racism from within the Democrat Party... all of the Ku Klux Klansman Democrat Senators and Legislators... the Democrats refusal to pass the Civil Rights Amendment... Democrats staunch defense of segregation, etc.

We all know how King is all too willing to repeatedly define Trump, Romney, Bush, and most any other Republican as misogynists... while again totally ignoring far more egregious behavior by many Democrats including Bill and Hillary Clinton. He won't acknowledge the fact that it was Republicans who gave women the right to vote either. Would King ever admit that Hillary Clinton paid women who worked for the Clinton Foundation less than men? Not in a million years!

If Donald Trump was a Liberal Left anti-gunner, and especially if he was also black, King would be singing his praises.

In my time here, King Brown has always supported and defended the most extreme Liberal Left anti-gun politicians while finding fault with those who respect our 2nd Amendment Rights. This is why I have formed the opinion that King is a dishonest anti-2nd Amendment fraud, hypocrite, and a Troll who is not worth expending even one breath to debate. King Brown is the poster child for why it is foolish to think that we should embrace all gun owners in one big tent. People like King are no help to us, and they do immense harm to the cause of gun rights.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.