Grof Josip Bombelles Springer-gun restitution 1.1 2.0 3.0 4.0 etc etc ..
Text and photos by Felix Neuberger
After the wild-west show of the US-election I felt obliged
to write this post. I felt obliged - not because I am the
spiritus-rector/successful-researcher behind the story -
no, I felt obliged to write it to pay tribute to the
honesty and ethics of an American hunter owning a Springer gun.
Its one more story of invasion,looting,killing,guerilla-war,
nationalisation,another invasion,another looting/confiscation..
finally emigration....
Can you imagine you get a tel-call, out-of-the-blue, from
an unknown chap with a rather coarse old-man-voice telling:
"Hello, I have before me a Springer shotgun built for your
grand-pa before WW I and stolen from your family estate on the Balkans 75 years ago, can I return it to you ?"
This is the minimum denominator of the story at the time
Postscriptum nr.1 : You may ask what has been my sleuthing fee in this story. Its a magnum bottle of Californias Beringer
premium Cabernet Sauvignon.
As exeption to above, you may contact me directly via the
message facility if you happen to have or know the
whereabouts of a Springer with the numbering 2 or 3,
the missing pairing guns in the original trio.
I simply want to earn another bottle of Beringer Cabernet.
Postscriptum nr.2: When writing a post in such a vague environment (just e-mail and name) one has to make some
assumption. My father had to serve as Austrian in the German
army , the American owner's father did it on the other
side. So I assumed the owner has about the same age as me.
Having a rather coarse old-man-voice I thought this will
apply also for the owner. I am told now that this gentleman
is much younger than me and can still intonate the
bariton torero aria of the opera Carmen.
So I want to duly make a correction to this sentence
above and rephrase it to "firm voice of a navy-seals officer"
instead of "coarse old-man-voice".

Last edited by felix; 12/10/16 08:10 AM.