Okay, so you aren't going to answer my question about any past associations with the Greenpeace organization.

Hmm, wonder why not?

Are you going to answer my question about what I was wrong about? You seemed quite emphatic that I was wrong but I've said many things here over the years. Which particular moment of wrongitude are you referring to?

Asking for a direct answer from a Clinton supporting liberal is as close to pointless as it gets so I'll move on.

Speaking of wrongitude, given how wrong you and every other Clinton supporter/Trump detractor was about EVERYTHING to do with this election, why would anyone imagine you can now suddenly foretell the future and make accurate, accusatory predictions about what President Trump will or won't do.

How many times do you and every other liberal have to be wrong before you shut up with the predictions?

Maybe just save your breath, reel in the hubris and ego and watch things unfold for a moment.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia