Ben Deeble,

You are to the "unwashed working man" what McDonald's is to 5-star cuisine, and I should know, having some fifteen years of knowledge of your activities as an upland bird biologist for the NWF here in western Montana.

A number of members here also still remember you for being the instigator/point-man suggesting we look into the possible elimination of lead shot for upland bird hunting throughout Montana (I save ALL my e-mails, should you like to revisit that, or members can simply dredge up our individual post archives if they're that bored.) Or maybe we could chat about a Montana deer season that you somehow got confused on not so many years back and started a day early sans permission on posted land. Ouch!

How bout we just leave it lie, Ben, while recognizing that many here are taking a wait-and-see approach to this election and what it will mean for the country. A lot of campaign rhetoric doesn't necessarily equate to action at this point, IMO. But what we do know is what it would have meant to our 2nd Amendment rights on a number of fronts, had it gone the other way. Lastly, I'm not the least surprised that this was never an issue for you in your support of Hillary......which is 'why' we don't need you to "apologize" for us, as you just have.
