So nice to see "lying" King be such a sore loser-as expected,enjoying every post you slug,you will NEVER escape your ignorance of Americans and our fight to keep the Republic that you prove time and time again !

BTW King, beside the generational change in the USSC for pro 2nd Amendment-and pro Life, most of the old time socialist libtard's like YOU,will never see another Dem president after the last 8 years of FAILURE -thankfully we will unwind most of it in his first 100 days.

the Dems are now circling the drain nation wide

Dems getting flushed nation wide !

We all know how devastating the loss of the presidency is to Democrats, particularly when combined with Republicans holding the Senate and House.

But, it was equally bad, if not worse, for Democrats at the state level.

In the past 8 years Republicans have made devastating gains at the state level, taking over numerous state houses and other statewide offices, and state legislatures. It’s been the equivalent of washing the sand out from under the Democratic political house, depriving Democrats of a training ground in which to grow future leadership.

Republicans expanded their ranks of governors, winning Democratic-held seats in Vermont, New Hampshire and Missouri. The party also made gains in state executive offices and in legislatures across the country.
By Wednesday morning, Republicans had won control of the Iowa state Senate, the Kentucky House and the Minnesota state Senate.

The results mean Republicans appear likely to have added to their already considerable power in the states, riding a wave of populism headed by President-elect Donald Trump….

If current results hold, Republicans will control 69 of 99 legislative chambers across the country. Democrats will control only 30, the same breakdown as before voters went to the polls.

Republicans defended virtually every state legislature where their narrow majorities were in peril. The party appears to have preserved narrow one-seat majorities in the New York and Washington state Senates, both chambers in which a Democrat caucuses with Republicans to give them control. Republicans also defended slender majorities in state Senate chambers in Maine, Colorado, New Hampshire and West Virginia.

Hillary For Prison 2018